Frontiers in Remote Sensing, Issue on Instruments and Technologies for Existing and Future Earth Observation Satellite Missions
- Nassar, R., C.G. MacDonald, B. Kuwahara, A. Fogal, J. Issa, A. Girmenia, S. Khan, C. Sioris (2023), Intelligent pointing increases the fraction of cloud-free CO2 and CH4 observations from space, Frontiers in Remote Sensing,
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Special Issue on Arctic and Northern Monitoring and Applications
- Nassar, R., C. McLinden, C.E. Sioris, C.T. McElroy, J. Mendonca, J. Tamminen, C.G. MacDonald, C. Adams, C. Boisvenue, A. Bourassa, R. Cooney, D. Degenstein, G. Drolet, L. Garand, R. Girard, M. Johnson, D.B.A. Jones, F. Kolonjari, B. Kuwahara, R.V. Martin, C.E. Miller, N. O’Neill, A. Riihelä, S. Roche, S.P. Sander, W.R. Simpson, G. Singh, K. Strong, A.P. Trishchenko, H. van Mierlo, Z. Vaziri Zanjani, K.A. Walker and D. Wunch (2019), The Atmospheric Imaging Mission for Northern Regions: AIM-North, The Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,
AIM-North Mission Objectives Document
- Atmospheric Imaging Mission for Northern Regions (AIM-North) Mission Objectives Document v2.0, R. Nassar, C. McLinden, C. Sioris, prepared by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), March 22, 2019 (v2.0).
AIM-North Short Statement for the Arctic Observing Summit 2018
- Nassar, R., C. McLinden, L. Garand, T. McElroy, C. Sioris, M. Adamovic, C. Adams, C. Boisvenue, G. Drolet, F. Grandmont, M. Johnson, D.B.A. Jones, F. Kolonjari, S. Lantagne, R.V. Martin, J. Mendonca, C.E. Miller, L. Moreau, N. O’Neill, S. Polavarapu, Y. Rochon, W.R. Simpson, K. Strong, J. Tamminen, A. Trishchenko, K.A. Walker and D. Wunch (2018), The Atmospheric Imaging Mission for Northern Regions: AIM-North, Short Statement for the Arctic Observing Summit 2018, Davos, Switzerland, June 24-26.
The proposed Polar Communications and Weather (PCW) mission and PHEOS concept that led to AIM-North
- Garand, L., A.P. Trishchenko, L. Trichtchenko, R. Nassar (2014), The Polar Communications and Weather Mission: Addressing remaining gaps in the Earth Observing System, Physics in Canada, 70(4), 247-254.
- Schultz, C., J. Wendel (2014), Highly elliptical orbit satellites better at observing high-latitude CO2, EOS Research Spotlight, 95, 29, July 22, 2014.
- Nassar, R., C.E. Sioris, D.B.A. Jones, J.C. McConnell (2014), Satellite observations of CO2 from a Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) for studies of the Arctic and boreal carbon cycle, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 119, 2654-2673.
- LaChance, R., J.C. McConnell, C.T. McElroy, N. O’Neill, R. Nassar, H. Buijs, P. Rahnama, K. Walker, R. Martin, C. Sioris, L. Garand, A. Trishchenko, M. Bergeron and the PHEMOS Science Team (2012), PCW/PHEOS-WCA: Quasi-geostationary Arctic measurements for weather, climate and air quality from highly eccentric orbits, Proceedings of SPIE, Sensors, Systems and Next-Generation Satellites XVI, 85330O-1, doi:10.1117/12.974795.
- McConnell, J.C., C.T. McElroy, C. Sioris, N. O’Neill, R. Nassar, H. Buijs, P. Rahnama, K. Walker, R. Martin, L. Garand, A. Trishchenko, M. Bergeron, and the PHEOS Science Team (2012), PCW/PHEOS Quasi-geostationary viewing of the Arctic and Environs for Weather, Climate and Air Quality, Proceedings of the European Space Agency (ESA) Atmospheric Sciences Conference 2012, Bruges, Belgium.
- McConnell, J.C., C.T. McElroy, B. Solheim, C. Sioris, W. Evans, H. Buijs, M. Roux, P. Rahnama, K. Walker, D. Jones, L. Garand, R. Nassar, R. Martin, Norm O’Neill, M. Bergeron and the PCW/PHEMOS Science Team (2011), A quasi-geostationary view of the Arctic and Environs: PCW/PHEMOS for Arctic Weather, Climate and Air Quality, Proceedings of the EUMETSAT Meeting, Oslo, 2011.
Highly Elliptical Orbits
- Trishchenko, A.P., L. Garand, L.D. Trichtchenko (2019), Observing Polar Regions from Space: Comparison between Highly Elliptical Orbit and Medium Earth Orbit Constellations, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0030.1.
- Trishchenko, A.P., L.D. Trichtchenko, L. Garand (2019), Highly elliptical orbits for polar regions with reduced total ionizing dose, Advances in Space Research,
- Trishchenko, A.P., L. Garand, L.D. Trichtchenko, L.V. Nikitina (2016), Multi-Apogee Highly Elliptical Orbits for Continuous Meteorological Imaging of Polar Regions, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, January 2016, 19-24, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00251.1.
- Trichtchenko, L.D., L.V. Nikitina, A.P. Trishchenko, L. Garand (2014), Highly Elliptical Orbits for Arctic observations: Assessment of ionizing radiation, Advances in Space Research, 54, 2398-2414,
- Trishchenko, A.P., L. Garand, L.D. Trichtchenko (2011), Three-apogee 16-h Highly Elliptical Orbit as Optimal Choice for Continuous Meteorological Imaging of Polar Regions, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 1407-1422.
- Trishchenko, A.P., L. Garand (2011), Spatial and Temporal Sampling of Polar Regions from Two-Satellite System on Molniya Orbit, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 977-992.